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Our Vision

To provide faith-based learning environment that is centred on Christ with passion for academic excellence by maintaining teacher-student ratio that meets the needs of every student.

Mission Statements

 To honour God as Creator, Redeemer, and Enabler.
 Provide quality education for excellence.
 Provide an educational program that integrates technology, hands-on learning, outdoor learning, and community services.
 Help each student discover and develop his/her God-given gifts while upholding Christian values.
 Provide an educational program that integrates technology, hands-on learning, outdoor learning, and community services.
 Seeking to grow enrolment and programmes expansion.
We believe in the potential for greatness in every child, hence we build on the positive character traits of each child and inculcate the passion for competition and the zeal to excel. At First Baptist School, Awoyaya, we emphasise academic and moral excellence. We are committed to turning out youths who are not only academically sound, but also of unquestionable character.